Published: 2020-10-01

Prick-tests results in chronic rhinitis in southern Tunisia

Souha Kallel, Mohamed Amine Chaabouni, Rania Kharrat, Ahmad Kessentini, Hana Maazoun, Malek Mnejja, Ilhem Charfeddine

The Consumption of Red and Processed Meat and The Risk of Colorectal Cancer: A Case-Control Study among the Tunisian Population

Imen Gharbi, Feriel Letaief, Zeineb Dadaa, Yosra Yahyaoui, Azza Gabsi, Houcine Maghrbi, Mouna Ayadi, Amel Mezlini

Radiofrequency ablathermia of pulmonary nodules : CT follow-up and prognostic study

Monia Attia, Salma Kechaou, Meriem Affes, Sarra Zairi, Henda Neji, Saoussen Hantous-Zanned

Anxiety and Problematic Internet Use in Tunisian students

Jaweher Boudabous, Ines Feki, Rim Sellami, Imen Baati, Dorsaf Trigui, Jaweher Masmoudi

About a knee pain

Dhia Kaffel, Wafa Hamdi, Kaouther Maatallah, Mohamed Montacer Kchir


Faten Limaiem, Faten farah, Oussama Belkacem, Saadia Bouraoui, Wafa Achour

Lessons learned from the fight against COVID-19 in the Great Maghreb. Lessons learned from the fight against COVID-19 in the Great Maghreb. Five lessons for better resilience

Ahmed Ben Abdelaziz, Salah Berkane, Kamel Ben Salem, Sid'Ahmed Dahdi, Imen Mlouki, Sofien Benzarti, Sarra Nouira, Mohamed Azzaza, Monia Azouaou, Abderrazek Bouamra, Mohamed Yacine Achouri, Abdelkrim Soulimane & Groupe de Recherche COV-MAG, & Groupe de Recherche COV-MAG

The satisfaction of patients hospitalized in the surgical departments of a general hospital. Case study of Sahloul hospital in Sousse (Tunisia)

Ahmed Ben Abdelaziz, Imen Zemni, Sarra Melki, Riadh Lahmar, Mohamed Khelil, Sarra Nouira, Faten Yahia, Asma Ben Abdelaziz, Dhekra Chebil, Mohamed Amine Triki, Mohamed Azzaza

Patient information in radiology: medico-legal considerations

Elyes Turki, Amal Mosbahi, Khaled Annabi, wael majdoub, mohamed ben dhiab

Bing-Neel syndrome revealing Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia: a case report

Selim Jennane, Hicham El Maaroufi, El Mehdi Mahtat, Mohammed Mikdame, Kamal Doghmi

Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy in a patient with angioid streaks treated by bevacizumab

Ahmed Chebil, Rahma Saidane, Yosra Falfoul, Khaled El Matri, Racem Choura, Leila El Matri

Non-parametric tests to compare two or more means on independent samples

A Bezzaouha, A Bouamra, A Ammimer, A El Keboub, A Ben Abdelaziz