Tunisian Society of Medical Sciences (STSM)
President: Prof. Lilia ZAKHAMA (
Editorial Board
Lilia ZAKHAMA, Professor of Cardiology, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia (
Member of the Working Group of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
Chadli DZIRI, Professor Emeritus of General Surgery, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia (
Deputy Editors
Imed BEN GHORBEL, Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia (
Ahmed BEN ABDELAZIZ, Professor of Preventive Medicine, University of Sousse, Tunisia (
Emira BEN HAMIDA, Professor of Neonatology, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia (
Sana OUALI, Professor of Cardiology, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia (
Helmi BEN SAAD, Professor of Physiology, University of Sousse, Tunisia (
Mehdi KHEMISS, Professor of Medical Dentistry, University of Monastir, Tunisia (
Soumeya BEN SAAD, Associate Professor of Pneumology, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia Manar (
Saoussen MILADI, Associate Professor of Rheumatology, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia (
Mohamed Ali CHAOUCH, Associate Professor, University of Monastir (
Former editors-in-chief since 1947
1947-1956 : Maurice UZAN
1957-1959 : André NAHUM
1960-1962 : Chadli TABBANE
1963-1963 : Abdelkrim BETTAIEB
1964-1965 : Zouhair ESSAFI
1966-1967 : Hédi JEDIDI
1968-1972 : Néjib MOURALI
1973-1978 : Rafik BOUKHRIS
1979-1979 : Aziz EL MATRI
1980-1983 : Mohsen AYED - Hédi BEN MAIZ
1984-2002 : Abdelatif CHABBOU
2003-2005 : Habib HAOUALA
2006-2009 : Chadli DZIRI
2009-2011 : Samir BOUKTHIR
Aim and scope
La Tunisie Medicale is an open-access monthly general medical journal, founded in 1903 by a beylical decree. It aims to promote health research in Tunisia, the Maghreb, and Africa in general.
It publishes scientific research in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, pedagogy, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) applied to medicine.
La Tunisie Medicale is indexed in Scopus, PubMed, PMC Archives, and Google Scholar.
Editorial policy
La Tunisie Medicale accepts the publication of scientific papers in the form of original articles, systematic reviews, research protocols, case reports, etc. It also publishes editorials and letters to the editor.
La Tunisie Medicale encourages articles written in English and is open to all African countries. It encourages multicentric, multidisciplinary research and the synthesis of Maghrebian and African data.
La Tunisie Medicale adheres to the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE: for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals.
La Tunisie Medicale applies the appropriate procedures and good practices regarding conflict of interest and double publication published by the COPE "Committee on Publication Ethics" ( By submitting an article for publication, all authors guarantee that they have approved said article, that said article has not been submitted for publication to another journal and has not been previously published, the corresponding author will be asked to confirm that this is the case during the electronic submission process.
All manuscripts submitted to La Tunisie Médicale will be systematically screened using the PlagPrevent anti-plagiarism tool before entering the peer review process.
Research policy
Submitted work must comply with the ethical recommendations of the "Declaration of Helsinki". They must have been submitted, if required, either to a personal data protection committee or to a national ethics committee.
La Tunisie Medicale encourages study registration in a public international clinical trials registration platform before the first patient is recruited (e.g.
Review policy
Each manuscript submitted to the journal is first checked by the secretariat to ensure compliance with authors’ instructions published on the site (references, number of words, structuring of abstracts, number of tables and figures, quality of figures, etc.).
The manuscript may be immediately refused by the editorial board if it does not meet the aim and scope of the journal or does not comply with the editorial and ethical policy of La Tunisie Medicale.
The manuscript is then anonymized and sent by the editor-in-chief to two reviewers who will proceed to a critical review.
The final decision of acceptance, rejection, or revision is made by the editor-in-chief in consultation with the deputy editor-in-chief concerned.
The manuscript is then anonymized and sent by the editor-in-chief to two reviewers who will proceed to a critical review.
The final decision of acceptance, rejection, or revision is made by the editor-in-chief in consultation with the deputy editor-in-chief concerned.
All articles in "La Tunisie Medicale", are open access, and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution -NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Advertising policy
La Tunisie Medicale does not accept advertising on its website.