
Souhaila Hachemi
Sadok Gaigi
Kamel Jallouli


Aim : The research is about diabetic people who can fast Ramadan. In order to do so in a good physical health must have some stipulations.
Methods : In a certain research, about 278 diabetic people of the two types were examinated, making comparaison between those who were fasting and who weren’t.
Results : 52, 3 % people are fasting of diabetic type 2 where’s 18,4% people of diabetic type1. 43% people who haven’t spent yet five years affected by this disease. We have also noticed that 45% of diabetic type 2 fasting, and those who are older than 40 years have lost weight and improved their health. However, the blood sugar has deteriorate of those diabetic type 1 are fasting.
Conclusion : Fasting Ramadan is possible for those diabetic type 2, and preferable plump people.


The diabetic, Fast, Ramadan



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