Organizational change in public healthcare facilities in a context of extreme disruption: A dialectic of order and disorder for the creation of sensemaking


Jihane Chaanoun


Introduction : In a context where the public hospital organization is experiencing severe pressure on resources, in particular human resources, with a shortage in staff capacity, especially in the nursing profile, digital transformation is an avenue that has yet to be explored, given that “it is a radical organizational change driven by new technologies that requires collaboration between the various stakeholders” (1), facilitating “organizations'

capacity for innovation” (2).

Aim : The aim is to find out the degree of understanding of the change to come in the era of digital transformation not only on the part of decision-makers, but above all on the part of the operational level to see their degree of predisposition to accept, resist, or appropriate the changes.

Methods: we opted for intervention research in line with the constructivist paradigm, using a questionnaire assigned to 105 people.

Results :

The quantitative study highlights contradictory representations marked by situations of acceptance and resistance to the IIS, which need to be managed in order to converge towards the tool's appropriation by the players.

Conclusion : We have clarified the difficulties of implementing changes that were not initially grasped by the project's decision-makers, by avoiding areas of resistance and reinforcing areas of appropriation by all organizational strata, in order to have a collective creation of meaning and maintain order in a context of disorder.


organizational change, digital transformation, research-intervention, hospital actors



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