Writing an effective and succinct cover letter: A practical guide Mastering the art of cover letters Section Medical writing
Introduction. The cover letter is a critical component of medical journal submissions, often influencing acceptance decisions. However, authors frequently underestimate its importance. This narrative review aimed to provide guidance for authors on writing effective and succinct cover letters.
Methods. We conducted a narrative review of literature on the recommended structure and content for drafting a cover letter.
Results. An effective and succinct cover letter should include the names of the editor in chief and journal, submission details, ethical statements, authors' agreement, and contact information. Additional elements such as declarations of conflicts of interest, funding sources, and permissions may also be necessary. The cover letter should emphasize the manuscript's uniqueness without merely duplicating the abstract.
Conclusion. Cover letters remain pivotal for manuscript acceptance and must adhere to specific guidelines.
Cover Letter, Editorial Process, Manuscripts as Topic, Medical Writing, Peer Review, Research##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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