Postpartum Septic Osteoarthritis: A case series study
Introduction-Aim: Postpartum septic osteoarthritis is a rare but serious condition often misdiagnosed due to overlap with common postpartum symptoms like pelvic pain and joint stiffness. This case series aims to describe the clinical, bacteriological, and radiological characteristics of postpartum septic osteoarthritis, as well as the treatment approaches and patient outcomes.
Methods: A retrospective case series was conducted at Farhat Hached University Hospital, from 2006 to 2022, involving patients with confirmed postpartum septic osteoarthritis. Clinical data, laboratory findings, imaging results, treatments, and outcomes were analyzed
Results: The mean age of the seven patients was 31.4 years. All patients presented with joint pain, with fever and functional impairment where each was observed in 85.7% of cases. The average diagnostic delay was 17 days. MRI findings revealed bone marrow edema in all patients, Abscesses in 28.5% of cases, periarticular soft tissue edema, and intra-articular effusions in 71.4% of cases. The pubic symphysis was the most commonly affected site (57.1%), followed by the sacroiliac joints (28.6%). Only one pathogen, Streptococcus pyogenes, was isolated. Nearly all patients received dual antibiotic therapy for an average duration of 4 to 6 weeks. Satisfactory clinical progress without sequelae was noted and maintained after an average follow-up of 5 to 6 months.
Conclusion: Our results revealed that postpartum septic osteoarthritis requires prompt diagnosis and early treatment to prevent severe complications. MRI plays a critical role in early detection, while timely antibiotic therapy leads to favorable long-term outcomes
Postpartum, septic osteoarthritis, MRI, treatment, outcome, diagnosis##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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