Ultimate Pre-Transfusion Bedside Check: Evaluation of Hospital Staff


Hamdia Khémiri Guerbouj
Hend Ben Néji
Rchid Kharrat
Meriem Achour
Rabeb Berred
Rym Cherni
Dorra Jabeur
Malek Sayedi
Manel Bchir
Karima Kacem
Raoudha Mansouri
Rayhane Benlakhel


Introduction : Transfusion is the medical act of transferring blood or its constituents from one individual to another. The pre-transfusion bedside test is mandatory before any transfusion well codified in circular 32/15.

Aims: To evaluate the theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the ultimate bedside test of medical and paramedical staff of the Adult clinical hematology department of the Aziza Othmana hospital (HAO).

Methods: It’s a single-center descriptive study, in the form of theoretical and practical test, during June 2024 among paramedical and medical staff working during this period at the adult clinical hematology department of (HAO).

Results: We included 62 respondents, of whom 3,2% thought that the ultimate bed test replaced the compatibility test in the laboratory, 4,8% that it was obligatory before transfusion, 19,4% that it did not allow the detection of ABO incompatibility, 41,9% that it did not require the determination of the patient's blood group and only one questioned that it did not require the identity of the patient against 61 questioned (98,4%) who checked it. Among those questioned, 69,4% knew that this test is the last key to transfusion safety, 80,6% knew that it is the responsibility of the doctor compared to 19,4% who were unaware of this. All those interviewed checked the concordance between the identity of the recipient and that mentioned on the grouping documents.

Conclusions :This study made it possible to show an average theoretical and good practical level of the staff of the adult clinical hematology department ...(abstract truncated at 250 words)


Transfusion, trasfusion safety, ultimate bedside test, hemovigilance



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