Varicocele management in Tunisia: Overview of practices and comparison with latest international guidelines
Introduction: Varicocele has a detrimental effect on testicular growth and spermatogenesis, hence the importance of its management. This management remains controversial among Tunisian urologists; diagnostic and therapeutic choices tend to vary from one urologist to another.
Aim: The aim of this survey is to evaluate the practices of Tunisian urologists regarding varicocele management compared to the latest international guidelines.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among Tunisian urologists, members of the Tunisian Association of Urology, using a computerized questionnaire available online.
Results: The response rate was 51.6%. Approximately 80% of Tunisian urologists reported that they diagnose and manage patients with varicocele at least once a week. Half of the Tunisian urologists use a grading system for classification. Over 75% of Tunisian urologists believe that scrotal ultrasound and semen analysis should be systematically requested. Half of them consider treatment starting from Dubin and Amelar grade 2, while the other half treat from Dubin and Amelar grade 3. The majority agreed that the results of varicocele repair are controversial, with 10% never performing bilateral varicocele repair. The vast majority planned surgical treatment (95%), with sub-inguinal approach and magnification used in only 16% of cases; 25% never froze sperm before varicocele repair.
Conclusion: Recent recommendations had clear messages to promote in terms of diagnosis, therapeutic indications, and modalities. This work highlights the existence of gaps between recommendations on certain aspects of varicocele management, suggesting a review of continuous medical education modalities regarding this pathology in particular.
Evaluation, Varicocele, Male infertility, Varicocele repair, Embolization, Microsurgery##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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