Overhauling Morocco's healthcare system: Perception of healthcare professionals
Introduction: Healthcare systems in low- and middle-income countries have faced multiple performance challenges (quality, responsiveness, equity, and resilience). At various times during the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare systems were unable to respond in time to the population's needs, prompting many countries to consider drastic changes to their healthcare systems. Like other countries, Morocco is resolutely embarking on a new era of progress in the healthcare sector. To implement this overhaul under the right conditions, we need to reconsider the human factor as the cornerstone of the healthcare system and examine how public establishments perceive this overhaul.
Aim: to describe healthcare professionals' perceptions of the Moroccan healthcare system overhaul.
Method: This is a descriptive study. We adopted a mixed-methods approach. For the qualitative approach, we conducted fifteen interviews, including six interviews with strategic-level managers, four interviews with intermediate-level managers, and five interviews with operational-level managers, all selected on a purposive basis. For the quantitative approach, we interviewed 71 healthcare professionals using a questionnaire distributed to all doctors and nurses in charge of health programs.
The description of healthcare professionals' perception of the Moroccan healthcare system revealed that it has made considerable progress but has not met national requirements and needs to be overhauled. However, in order to support and carry out this overhaul, it would be necessary to allocate the necessary resources, establish a transparent institutional communication process, a continuous training approach, an approach to integrating the various stakeholders, and finally. ...(abstract truncated at 250 words).
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