Analysis of Challenges and Perspectives of Telemedicine in the Mental Health Sector in Tunisia
The Presidential Decree-Law No. 318/2022 of April 8, 2022, established new specific legal foundations for telemedicine in Tunisia. In the field of mental health, telemedicine offers a significant opportunity to democratize care by making psychiatric services more accessible to a larger population. In a recent study, we assessed Tunisian psychiatrists' knowledge of telemedicine. Although they have a still limited understanding of the legal framework, they expressed a willingness to explore telemedicine for the management of mental disorders, thus demonstrating a growing interest in this new practice. The adoption of telepsychiatry facilitates a rapid response to care demands, particularly in underserved and remote areas. However, this evolution presents a series of new challenges. Legal, ethical, and administrative issues are emerging, requiring robust frameworks to ensure patient confidentiality, data security, and compliance with medical regulations. Moreover, ethical and deontological concerns must be addressed to maintain the integrity and professionalism of psychiatric practice.
In this article, we will detail the main points of the decree-law and its application in psychiatry, as well as the potential challenges associated with implementing telemedicine in the continuity of care in Tunisia, while navigating the complex landscape of new issues related to its application in psychiatry.
Telemedicine, Mental Health, Legal Aspects, Medical Ethics, Tunisia##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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