Perceived experience of patients with Systemic lupus erythematosus towards the announcement of the diagnosis: Series of 50 observations
Introduction : The announcement of a chronic autoimmune disease is a delicate situation in our practice. The main objective of our work was to explore the felt experience of the lupus patient when faced with the announcement of the disease.
Patients and methods: Qualitative prospective study carried out from individual interviews with patients. suffering from SLE and followed in a department of internal medicine.
Results: We collected 60 patients (50 women and 10 men). The average age was 44.6 years. Thirty-five (65%) were married. The diagnosis was announced by an internist in 66% of cases. At the announcement of the diagnosis, 70% were hospitalized, alone (48%) and in the presence of a loved one (51%). The announcement took place in the doctor’s office in 40%. The duration of the announcement of the diagnosis was sufficient (56%). The doctor offered a second close consultation to complete the information (18%). The initial reaction was acceptance (54%), despair (31%), denial and refusal to disclose the diagnosis (3 cases). Around 36% thought that a consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary. The presence of a loved one is useful (45%). Patients suggested giving more information about the disease (58%), its progress (36%) and the treatment (5%). The analytical study showed that patients accept the diagnosis of SLE better when they are supported (P=0.026), married (P=0.01) and when the duration of the announcement is sufficient (P=0.045).
Conclusion: The announcement of the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus must be made under appropriate..(abstract truncated at 250 words)
ethics, announcement, information, systemic lupus erythematosus##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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