Bronchiectasis in adult: Radio-clinical features, etiologies and evolution


Hamida Kwas
Sabrine Majdoub Fehri
Houiem Ben Kraiem


Introduction-Aim: Bronchiectasis, which was once considered an orphan disease in developed countries, is common in Tunisia as in all emerging countries. The purpose of the present study is to determine radio-clinical features, etiologies and evolution of bronchiectasis.

Methods: Monocentric, retrospective and descriptive study including all patients followed in the pulmonology department, Gabes University Hospital, for bronchiectasis confirmed by a chest CT scan between January 2016 and December 2023.

Results: A total of 70 patients were included in the study. The mean age was 60.39±18.68 years. Symptomatology was dominated by cough and morning bronchorrhea. The diagnosis of bronchiectasis was confirmed in all patients. Chest CT scan showed diffused bronchiectasis in 85.7% cases, localized in 14.2% cases and bilateral in 87% cases. Bronchiectasis was secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis in 62.8% of cases and idiopathic in 12.8% of cases. Complications were dominated by bronchopulmonary infections (21.4% of cases) and hemoptysis (28.5% of cases). Ten patients (14.2%) with diffuse and bilateral bronchiectasis progressed to chronic respiratory failure.

Conclusion: Our study shows that the etiologies of bronchiectasis are dominated in our context by tuberculosis despite the national tuberculosis control program. Diffuse and bilateral bronchiectasis are frequent and associated with a poor prognosis.


Bronchiectasis, Tuberculosis, Prognosis, Tunisia



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