Prevalence and Associated Factors of Falls in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis: A Cross-Sectional Study
Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Falls are a serious health concern for persons with MS (PwMS).
Aim: To determine the frequency and associated factors of falls in PwMS.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Neurological Departments at the Military Hospital of Tunis between July and December 2022. Participants meeting the inclusion criteria completed a survey focusing on the prevalence and related factors of falls. In addition to the survey and a thorough clinical and functional examination, we used the 12-item MS Walking Scale (MSWS-12), the Fall Efficacy Scale International (FES-I), the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), and the 10-meter walk test for clinical assessment of balance. A baropodometric platform was employed for instrumental assessment.
Results: Thirty individuals with an average age of 33,6 [SD: 7,7], completed the survey with a mean Expanded Disability Status Scale = 2,5. Twenty-one patients reported falling at least once since the diagnosis. The MSWS-12 mean score was 61 % and the FES-I scored an average of 33.8. The average total score of the SPPB was 8. Total boli of corticosteroids prescribed during disease flare-ups (p=0,022), magnetic resonance imaging lesions of the basal ganglia (p=0,047), vestibular syndrome (p=0,048), MSWS-12 score (p=0,022), and the chair lift test of SPPB (p=0,018) were significantly associated with the prevalence of falling. No significant differences were observed for the instrumental assessment.
Conclusion: Falls are frequent in PwMS. MSWS ...( abstract truncated at 250 words).
Multiple sclerosis, Falls, Balance, Disability, Baropodometric Analysis, health concern##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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