Hydatid cyst of the gluteal muscle: a case report and literature review
Echinococcosis is a relatively widespread anthropozoonosis in endemic regions, preferentially affecting the liver and lungs. Although rare, it can sometimes be localized in the muscles. The clinical symptoms are insidious and not very indicative, often leading to a delayed diagnosis. We reported a case of a hydatid cyst located in the gluteal muscle.
This was a 52-year-old female patient admitted for the appearance of a swelling in the left buttock region, progressively increasing in size. The radiological exam, revealed a large simple cyst originating from the gluteal muscle with purely liquid content. A surgical excision was performed, and the parasitological examination of the hydatid fluid confirmed the diagnosis.
Hydatid cysts in soft tissues are rare, slow-developing tumors with local extension. This diagnosis should be considered, especially in individuals from endemic countries. The treatment is primarily surgical, but the best way to combat hydatid disease, regardless of its location, remains prevention
Cyst, Echinococcosis, Endemic, Gluteal muscle##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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