Epistaxis in children with allergic rhinitis: Clinical features and risk factors depending on the allergen profile
Introduction: Epistaxis in children is a very common reason for consultation in ENT and pediatric emergencies. Most of these epistaxis are benign, but it is their recurrence that motivates anxious parents, to consult. Allergic rhinitis is a common pathology among children in Tunisia, it seemed interesting to us to study the association between allergic rhinitis and epistaxis.
Aim: Identify the clinical features and the risk factors for epistaxis in children with allergic rhinitis.
Methods: Retrospective descriptive cohort study over a period of 4 years, including children, who consulted for epistaxis at the ENT and CCF department of FSI Hospital, La Marsa Tunis. All cases were divided into 2 groups: ERA+ Group: epistaxis with allergic rhinitis versus ERA- Group: epistaxis without allergic rhinitis.
Results: 79 children were included, including 21 (26.6%) meeting the diagnostic criteria for allergic rhinitis. A female predominance was noted in the ERA+ group. In the ERA+ group, epistaxis mainly occurred in summer and autumn (38% and 28%) while it predominated in winter and summer in the ERA- group. Rhinorrhea and nasal pruritus were factors significantly associated with epistaxis in children with allergic rhinitis.
Conclusion: the ENT doctor must think about allergic rhinitis in case of Repetitive epistaxis in a child, and look for suggestive symptoms, particularly rhinorrhea and nasal prurit.
epistaxis, allergic rhinitis, child##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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