Sarcopenia prevalence and risk factors in obese Tunisian adults


Olfa Berriche
Rim Rachdi
Chaima Ammar
Rym Ben Othman
Amel Gamoudi
Henda Jamoussi


Introduction: Sarcopenia is a clinical condition defined as low skeletal muscle mass and function. It has been identified and described as a geriatric syndrome, but it may arise in individuals with obesity at any age.

Aim: screen for sarcopenia in obese adults and identify the nutritional, clinical and biological risk factors associated with the development of sarcopenic obesity (SO+).

Methods : Descriptive cross-sectional study, including 53 obese patients. Screening for sarcopenia has been established according to pathological thresholds proposed by the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) and the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO).

Results: Mean age was 44.34±13.51 years. Prevalence of Sarcopenia was 7.5% (SO+). The average intakes of calorie, lipids and saturated fatty acids were higher in SO+. A statistically significant relationship was found between low skeletal muscle mass (SMM/W) and the average intake of vitamin PP (p=0.014) and vitamin B9 (p=0.009). Mean BMI (45.86 kg/m² for SO+ versus 39.29 kg/m² for SO-; p=0.03) and mean visceral fat (16.55 l for SO+, versus 10.93 l for SO-; p=0.043) were significantly higher in SO+. A statistically significant relationship was found between insulin resistance and low (SMM/W), as attested by mean insulinemia (28.81 µIU/mL for low SMM/W, versus 14.48 µIU/mL for normal SMM/W; p=0.004) and HOMA index (7.94 for low SMM/W, versus 3.49 for normal SMM/W; p=0.002), which were higher in cases of low (SMM/W).

Conclusion: We recommend promoting a balanced, low-energy-density diet to improve insulin sensibility and thus reduce ...(abstract truncated at 250 words)


Obesity, Sarcopenia, Sarcopenic obesity, Body composition., Tunisia, North Africa



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