Assessing Patient Safety Culture: Insights from a Neurological Institute


Hekma Hajji
Emna Bokri
Nader Baffoun
Nesrine Hasni
Chokri Kaddour


Introduction-Aim: Assessment of patient safety culture is important for enhancing hospital service quality and clinical outcomes. This study aimed to evaluate the safety of patient culture among health professionals in a neurological institute, in order to identify areas of improvement. The second objective of our study was to determine the influence of the sociodemographic data of the participants on the awareness of patient safety.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among healthcare workers exercising at a neurological institution using a validated Hospital Survey of Patient Safety Culture questionnaire containing ten safety care dimensions.

Results A total of 123 responses to the questionnaire were analyzed, accounting for 34.5% of the total (Cronbach’s alpha=0.677). Among the participants, 61.8% considered the level of awareness regarding patient safety to be acceptable. The dimensions considered as strengths were “Organizational learning and continuous improvement” with the highest positive response (60.3%) “Relationship patient-staff member” (58.9%) and “Teamwork within units” (58.9%). However, the dimensions considered as weaknesses were “Management support for patient safety” with 28.5% of positive responses and “Communication openness and non-punitive response to error” (40%).

Conclusion: Patient safety culture among healthcare professionals is at an average with “Organizational learning and continuous improvement” being a positive aspect. However, improvements should be made in all dimensions to enhance and promote patient safety within the institution


Patient safety , Safety management , Organizational Culture , quality of health care , Tunisia



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