Critical care ultrasound among Tunisian intensive care residents: A Cross-sectional Survey
Introduction: Critical Care ultrasound (CCUS) is more and more used in Tunisian critical care units. An objective assessment of this training has not yet been performed.
Aim: To assess the theoretical and practical knowledge about CCUS among Intensive Care Unit (ICU) residents.
Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted during the period from January to June 2021. Data were collected using a French language questionnaire distributed on the day of the selection of the residents' posts for the next training period (at the end of June 2021).
Results: Out of 75 residents, 37 accepted to answer to the survey (Participation rate =49 %). The majority were female (66.4%). The mean age was 29±12.36 years. Only 5.4% of participants (n=2) had previously received training concerning echocardiography and only 8.1% of the participants have received dedicated training for lung ultrasound (LU). Among the participants, 80.1% of residents (n=30) had never performed a transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). Competence in performing echocardiography was self-assessed quite good and bad by 5.4% and 43.2% of responders respectively. Most of the residents (86%) did not insert before ultrasound-guided central venous catheters.
Views known by the participants using TTE were mainly parasternal long axis section (56.8%) and apical 4/5 chambers section (52.8%). All participants (100%) thought that teaching CCU is a necessary part of the training of intensivists.
Conclusion: Our study highlighted the lack of training of Tunisian ICU residents regarding CCUS learning. Therefore, it is crucial to integrate such learning and training into their training programs.
ultrasound, intensive care unit, resident, learning, survey##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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