Foreign body ingestion in children: Clinical features and complications
Introduction : The ingestion of foreign body (FB) is a common problem in paediatrics. Children are curious by nature and tend to explore environment by inserting objects into their mouths.
Aim: To update our epidemiological and clinical data and adapt clinical management in order to limit morbidity associated with this fairly frequent accidental pathology.
Methods: Retrospective descriptive study including children aged less than 15 years, hospitalized in the Children's Medicine Department B of the Tunis Children's Hospital from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2021 having ingested a FB.
Results : Forty-four children were included and admitted for foreign body ingestion, with a sex ratio of 1.4. The mean age was 4 years 4 months. Most children were asymptomatic on admission. In the others, digestive forms predominated (n=19). The average consultation time was 10.8 hours. The FBs were mainly foams and corrosives (75%), represented by batteries in 52% of cases and coins in 22% of cases. Thoraco-abdominal X-rays carried out on all patients revealed a radio-opaque foreign body in 95% of cases. The most frequent location was the colon (n=17). Endoscopy was chosen in 14 patients and was extractive in five. The mean time from admission to endoscopic extraction was 10.6 hours. The mean time to expulsion by natural route was 49 hours. Complications were noted in two patients: ulceration of the oesophageal mucosa and dyspnoea following rigid endoscopy in one case.
Conclusion : This study has shown that the ingestion of foreign body ...( abstract truncated at 250 words)
foreign body, ingestion, endoscopy, children##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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