Designing a study on footballers’ injuries in the 2024 African cup of nations competition (Ivory Coast)
Introduction: To enhance players' performance and implement effective injury prevention protocols and surveillance programs in football, it is essential to conduct epidemiological studies. Since significant disparities in injury rates across various football competitions were reported, it is important to characterize injuries in the context of the African cup of nation (AFCON) competition.
Aim: To determine the incidence and factors associated with injuries among African footballers during the 2024 AFCON competition, which will be held in Ivory Coast from January 13 to February 11, 2024.
Methods: Two expert physician in sports medicine will perform an analytical study (i.e.; a video-based analysis) of the 52 matches that will be played during the 2024 AFCON. The following parameters will be noted: i) Injury incidence, ii) Characteristics of injured players such as age, on-field position, and player league continent, iii) Characteristics ofinjuries such as mechanism, body location, moment of injury in terms of the minute of play and the round of the match, place of the injury in term of stadium zone, replacement consequent to the injury, absence next match, re-injury, recurrence of the injury with the same location during the competition, referee decision, and stoppage time for on-field injury, and iv) Characteristics of matches such as the match’ schedule, ambient temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
Conclusion: This study will allow enriching the existing literature with additional data regarding the injuries and the players’ characteristics in the African context.
African Footballers, Epidemiological Study, AFCON 2024, Football Injuries, Injury Prevention, Soccer##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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