Risk factors for suicidal behavior in patients hospitalized for adjustment disorders
Adjustment disorder (AD) is a common psychiatric diagnosis, but it is often considered less severe than other diagnoses. However, it is strongly associated with suicidal behavior.
To identify the factors linked to suicidal behavior in patients hospitalized for AD.
This is a retrospective, descriptive, and analytical study conducted in the psychiatric department of Mahdia’s hospital over a period of nine years. The study included patients who were hospitalized for the first time due to adjustment disorder, according to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.
The study population included 129 patients. AD was prevalent among young (median age 29 years) and female patients (75.2%). Almost half of the cases were single (48.1%) and having a history of suicidal behavior (48.3%). Sixty patients (46.5%) were hospitalized following a suicidal attempt (SA) and drugs were used as a way in half of the cases (50%). Conflicts were the dominant factor precipitating the SA in 88.3% of cases. Factors linked to suicidal behavior in patients with AD were being in an intimate relationship and the presence of family conflicts. Indeed, the risk of suicidal behavior was found to be increased by 3.15 times in patients with AD who experienced family conflicts. Besides, being in an intimate relationship in patients with AD multiplies the risk of suicidal behavior by 5.863.
Given the high risk of suicide associated with AD, it is essential to have a more in-depth understanding of the suicidal process and AD through new studies.
Psychiatry, Adjustment disorder, Suicide attempt , Tunisia##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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