Incidence of chronic kidney disease stage 5 treated in south-eastern Algeria
Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 5 is a common pathology, the increase in its incidence and prevalence has been noted worldwide. In Algeria, few studies have been done on the epidemiology of chronic kidney disease, the real extent of its incidence in southern Algeria remains unknown.
Aim: To determine the incidence in 2017 of chronic kidney disease stage 5 treated by renal replacement in southeastern Algeria.
Method: During our multicenter, prospective longitudinal regional study, from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017, all resident incident cases of CKD stage 5 treated in the region by renal replacement were recruited.
Results: The crude incidence of stage 5 CKD treated in 2017 in southeastern Algeria was 75 pmh. The age-standardized incidence rate was 100 pmh, with a male predominance, a M/F sex ratio of 1.59. The average age of incident cases was 48.50 ± 19.12 years. The incidence varies by age group and by wilaya. Diabetes (26.7%) and hypertensive nephropathy (22.6%) represent almost half of the cases and primary glomerulonephritis represents 5.9%.
Conclusion: CKD stage 5 treated, due to its high incidence in Algeria, with large geographical variations, represents a major public health challenge. It mainly affects young people. Diabetes and high blood pressure represent the two main causes, encouraging prevention efforts to be focused on hypertensives and diabetics in high-risk wilayas.
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