Assessment by mini clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX) in the intensive care unit
Introduction: Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise (mini-CEX) is one of the assessment tools in medical education. It includes three steps: overview of clinical situation, observation and feedback.
Aim: To evaluate the feasibility of mini-CEX as a formative assessment tool for medical trainees in 5th year of medicine in a teaching intensive care unit (ICU).
Methods: Single-center qualitative research conducted in ICU during the 2nd semester of the academic year 2022-2023. Seven core clinical skill assessments were done, and the performance was rated on a 9-point scale. An assessment of the method was conducted with both trainees and clinical educators.
Results: We conducted six mini-CEX recorded sessions. All medical students had marks under the average of 4.5. In the first period, the highest mark was obtained for counselling skills (4.5). The best score was obtained for clinical judgement (4) in the second period and for management plan (4) in the third period. Most of medical trainees (11 sur 12) were satisfied with the method and feedback was according to them the most useful step. Ten students agreed fully to introduce this assessment tool in medical educational programs. Two medical educators out of three did not practice this method before. They agreed to include mini-CEX in the program of medical education of the faculty of medicine of Tunis. However, they did not agree to use it as a summative assessment tool.
Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that we can use the mini-CEX in medical teaching. Both trainees and educators were satisfied with the method.
Medical teaching, Assessment , Clinical Competence, Intensive Care Medicine##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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