Therapeutic targets achievement in secondary prevention after myocardial infarction in a North African tertiary center
Introduction: Despite the demonstrated efficacy of cardiovascular (CV) preventive measures, data from international literature indicate that control of CV risk factors (RF) remains insufficient in very high-risk patients.
Aim: This study aimed to assess prevalence of achievement of recommended therapeutic targets for the major and modifiable CVRF 12 months after myocardial infarction (MI).
Methods: From 1st January to 30th April 2023, we collected consecutive patients with type 1 MI who had completed 12 months follow-up. Primary endpoint was prevalence of achievement of all recommended therapeutic targets of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), diabetes mellitus (DM), arterial hypertension (HTN), and smoking. Targets and treatment goals were defined according to the 2021 European Society of Cardiology guidelines on CV disease prevention.
Results: 107 patients, mean age 58.8 ± 8.8 years, 74.8% male, were included. 42 (39.3%) patients had HTN, 50 (46.7%) were diabetics, 77 (72.0%) were smokers and eight (7.5%) had hypercholesterolemia. At 12 months, primary endpoint was achieved in 20 (18.7%) patients. 55 (71.4%) of 77 smoker patients were weaned. Blood pressure was at target in 26 (61.9%) among hypertensive patients. In DM patients, HbA1c target was achieved in 23 (46.0%) of them. 32 patients (29.9%) achieved the goal of LDL-C < 0.55 g/L.
Conclusions: Secondary prevention of CV disease was suboptimal. Less than a fifth of patients achieved treatment target for most major and modifiable risk factors. Improvement in follow-up care and treatment after MI is needed.
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