An update on the access to inpatient rehabilitation facilities across Tunisia in 2023
Introduction: Considering the growing global need and the complexity of health conditions, an intensive rehabilitation in inpatient departments is fundamental. Yet, in Tunisia, the distribution of Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities is not illustrated.
Aim: To perform an update concerning the rehabilitation’s beds-ratio /1000 Tunisian-inhabitants in 2023.
Methods: Data were collected from the Tunisian Ministry of Health, the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office, and the National Institute of Statistics websites.
Results: The findings revealed a total number of rehabilitations’ beds 132 among a total of 20000 hospital beds with a rehabilitations’ beds-ratio equal to 0.01/1000 inhabitants. Only three Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities were identified in Tunisia covering the Greater Tunis, North East, and Center east districts. There was inequity of distribution since the beds ratio is 1.07/1000 in the North east, 0.02/1000 in the Greater Tunis and 0 in the North West and the South of Tunisia.
Conclusion: This update highlighted the alarmingly low rehabilitation’s beds-ratio in Tunisia, coupled to a significant regional disparity. Increasing beds in the existing Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and extending outpatient rehabilitation departments with inpatient units might be considered urgent solutions.
Extended care facilities, Health equity , physical and rehabilitation medicine##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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