Scientific writing quality of theses in Medicine and Pharmacy at the University of Bamako (Mali).
Aim: To describe the scientific editorial quality of practice theses defended at the Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bamako (Mali), during the period 2016-2018.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted on practice theses in health science, defended between 2016 and 2018, and the electronic version of which was available at the libraries of the Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bamako. An adjusted STROBE grid was used to measure a scientific editorial conformity score for 18 iso-weighted items of the IMRaD structure (i.e. a total of 18 points). In this way, the scientific editorial quality of practice theses in health sciences was judged to be highly conform (14-18 points), fairly conform (9-13 points), poorly conform (5-8 points), or not conform (<5 points). An ordinal logistic regression model was used to identify determining factors independently associated with the scientific editorial quality of the health sciences practice thesis, with a significance level of 5%.
Results: A total of 534 practice theses in health sciences were included in this study, whose scientific editorial quality was judged to be highly or fairly conform (12.2%), poorly conform (43.1%) or not conform (44.8%). These standards scientific editorial conformity, which was higher in a "Medicine" thesis than in a "Pharmacy" thesis (ORa=2.45; IC95% [1.62-3.27], p<=0.05), was attributed to the supervisor's membership of a research structure (ORa=2.88; IC95% [1.6-3.2]; p<0.05).
Conclusion: The research methodology profile of the practice health sciences thesis supervisor and the thesis section are associated with scientific editorial standard with the IMRaD.
Bibliometrics , Medical Writing , Academic Dissertation, Faculty Medical , Faculty Pharmacy , Mali##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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