Balanced scorecard for a neonatology department of a university hospital


Ouafae El Ajroudi
Rim Amrani


Introduction : improving performance is a major challenge for hospitals. Measuring it is an arduous task for managers, requiring the implementation of innovative management tools. Nevertheless, it is clear that performance in the Oujda University Hospital neonatology department is intuitively assessed according to a more medical logic that focuses on patient recovery, ignoring other dimensions. The deficit is noted in the use of performance measurement and analysis tools.

Aim: To design a balanced, multidimensional scorecard specific to the SN-CHU department and to make it available to managers to help them steer their performance and make decisions.

Methods : an intervention research based on a constructivist approach was carried out in the field through 12 interviews with CHU managers. The analysis of the care circuit and process was carried out by means of 37 interviews with carers, supplemented by 30 observations. A series of meetings has enabled to elaborate and validate a set of service performance indicators

Results: The study revealed that a balanced, multi-dimensional dashboard model has been designed to be available to managers in the UHC-ND. It includes 29 clear, realistic, adapted, accurate, accessible, simple and ergonomic performance indicators. It reflects four measurement dimensions related to organisational development, internal processes, customers and finance.

The tool is applicable according to a logic of causality between its axes and allows a descriptive and comparative interpretation of its results. The measures in the model converge mainly towards the satisfaction of patient needs.

Conclusion : the  ...( abstract truncated at 250 words).


Indicators, Performance , Balanced Scorecard , Neonatology


Author Biography

Rim Amrani, Maternal, Infant and Mental Health Research Laboratory. Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Oujda-University of Mohammed Premier Oujda, Morocco

Rim Amrani has a specialist diploma in paediatrics from the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Rabat. Vice-Dean for Research and Cooperation at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Oujda.
Director of the Maternal-Infant and Mental Health Research Laboratory and Professor of Paediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Oujda.
She teaches the discipline of paediatrics and neonatology and engages her students in a strategy to improve child and newborn health and promote ongoing scientific research.
She is a member of several committees and commissions.
Her interests also focus on voluntary and community work.


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