Childhood obesity in Tunisia: Prevalence and risk factors
Introduction: Obesity in children is currently a major public health problem in Tunisia.
Aim: To determine the prevalence of obesity among pre-schoolchildren in the city of Bardo and to identify risk factors.
Methods: We carried a cross-sectional study of 220 children between 4 and 6 years of age, recruited from kindergartens in the city of Bardo. Children with endocrinal, tumoral or genetic diseases causing secondary obesity, children on corticosteroids and children with two illiterate parents were not included. The weight status of the children was defined according to the curves of the international obesity task force. A parent is considered obese if his BMI>30 Kg/m².
Results: The average age was 4.65±0.77 years. A female predominance was noted (55.9% girls and 44.1% boys). The average BMI of the children was 16.93±2.46 kg/m². The prevalence of overweight among all children was 10.9% and that of obesity was 11.4%. The frequency of overweight (including obesity) was 22.3%. In multivariate analysis, factors independently related to childhood obesity were child age, child medical history and hospitalization, parental obesity, parental dyslipidemia, snack type and snacking.
Conclusions: Overweight is common in pre-school children. It should be detected at an early age, especially if risk factors are present.
Overweight, Obesity, Children, Risk Factors, Epidemiology, Tunisia, North Africa##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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