Spontaneous pneumomediastinum in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia
Introduction: Spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM) is a rare affection in general population. Only few cases have been reported
during this ongoing global pandemic of Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19). The ethipathogeny of this complication is poorly understood.
Observations: we reported ten cases of SPM complicating coronavirus pneumonia. There were six me and four women. Age varies from 32
to 66 years. Pneumonia was severe for all cases defined by a bloo oxygen saturation < 90% on admission. All patients were hospitalized in
intensive care unit and treated by high-flow oxygen for nine patients and non-rebreather masks for one patient. Repeated chest computed
tomography (CT) scan showed resolution of the pneumomediastinum and appearance of signs of pulmonary fibrosis for four cases.
Conclusions: Chest CT scan must be performed in front of any sudden deterioration in respiratory status of patients with COVID-19
pneumonia to not miss mechanical complication such as SPM. This complication seems to be associated with severe forms of COVID-19.
during this ongoing global pandemic of Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19). The ethipathogeny of this complication is poorly understood.
Observations: we reported ten cases of SPM complicating coronavirus pneumonia. There were six me and four women. Age varies from 32
to 66 years. Pneumonia was severe for all cases defined by a bloo oxygen saturation < 90% on admission. All patients were hospitalized in
intensive care unit and treated by high-flow oxygen for nine patients and non-rebreather masks for one patient. Repeated chest computed
tomography (CT) scan showed resolution of the pneumomediastinum and appearance of signs of pulmonary fibrosis for four cases.
Conclusions: Chest CT scan must be performed in front of any sudden deterioration in respiratory status of patients with COVID-19
pneumonia to not miss mechanical complication such as SPM. This complication seems to be associated with severe forms of COVID-19.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Diagnostic, Complication, prognosis##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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