Optimizing Fitness in Obesity: A Program Combining Various Exercise Techniques
Introduction : Obesity is linked to a potential decline in functional capacity and muscle strength, especially within weight-bearing joints. However, up to now, no study has managed to demonstrate a relationship between these factors that is sufficiently strong.
Aim: This study aims to present a mixed physical activity regimen for obese individuals.
Methods: Data were gathered from 20 obese participants and 13 controls. The «obese» group had a BMI ≥ 25.0 kg/m², while the «control» group had a BMI < 25.0 kg/m². The exercise program consisted of walking, running, and muscle stretching, with 2 sessions weekly. Training began at the fat oxidation threshold, gradually extending sessions. From the ninth session, the program alternated between fat and anaerobic threshold sessions, aiming for 4 periods of 12 minutes at the anaerobic threshold.
Results: Significant body composition changes were observed in obese individuals, not controls. Obese women lost 1.7±0.6 kg (p=0.006), while obese men lost 5.8±2.1 kg (p=0.02). Fat mass reduction was 2.6±0.6 kg (p<0.001) for women and 4.9±1.1 kg (p=0.003) for men. Exercise tolerance improved in obese subjects, reaching higher fat and anaerobic thresholds post-training. Performance increased by+14.3% (p=0.03) at the fat threshold and +12.1% at the anaerobic threshold (p=0.02), with minimal change in heart rate (3.9-4.3%, p>0.05).
Conclusion: This study demonstrates two outcomes: a tailored exercise regimen for obese individuals enhances body composition, surpassing prior studies. Additionally, the program elevates performance at fat and anaerobic thresholds, accompanied by slightly increased heart rates. This suggests improved fat oxidation capacity in obese individuals.
Obesity, BMI, Physical activity, Program##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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