Performance of the ADRESS-HCC score in the assessment of the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in viral cirrhosis in Tunisia
Introduction: The ADRESS-HCC score allows predicting the risk of occurrence of Hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis at one year of follow-up.
Aim: Measuring the performance of ADRESS-HCC in predicting the risk of degeneration on post-viral cirrhosis, in a gastroenterology department in Tunisia.
Methods: Retrospective study, including patients followed for compensated viral cirrhosis in the gastroenterology department of the Mohamed Taher Maamouri hospital. The ADRESS-HCC score was calculated at diagnosis of cirrhosis. We divided patients into two groups depending on whether they developed Hepatocellular carcinoma or not. We evaluated the performance of the ADRESS-HCC score in predicting the risk of Hepatocellular carcinoma according to a threshold value.
Results: We enrolled 60 patients; the mean age was 62 years. Twenty-five patients developed hepatocellular carcinoma during follow-up. The mean value of ADRESS-HCC score was 5.08. To predict the occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma at 1 year of follow-up, the area under the curve of the ADRESS-HCC score was 0.74 (p=0.01). For a threshold value of 5.63 its sensitivity was 91 % with a negative predictive value of 95.83%.
Conclusion: The ADRESS-HCC score had an average performance in predicting degeneration in post-viral cirrhosis.
Cirrhosis Degeneration, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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