Simulation versus theoretical learning for the transradial approach: a randomized controlled trial in interventional cardiology


Aymen Noamen
Ahmed Ben Amara
Mokhles Lajmi
Nadhem Hajlaoui
Wafa Fehri


Introduction : Simulation-based education (SE) in interventional cardiology improves knowledge acquisition and mastery of procedures
including the conventional radial access (CRA).
Aim: To evaluate the contribution of SE in CRA compared with theoretical learning alone.
Methods : This is a prospective randomized controlled study including cardiology residents and patients with normal radial pulses. Experienced residents as well as patients with contraindications to CRA, requiring urgent intervention, or with hemodynamic instability were not
included. Missing the teaching sessions was the exclusion criteria. Residents were randomized into two groups: simulation versus control.
They attended a theory lecture explaining CRA and were evaluated Only the simulation group attended an SE session with measurement
of heart rate (HR) and stress level. A real application was then performed with measurement of HR and stress level. The primary outcome
was success puncture rate.
Resulats : The success of the puncture was similar between the two groups (p=0.651). In the practical application, the stress level was
significantly different before the procedure but similar after the end of the procedure. The stress level varied significantly within the same
group before and after the procedure The simulation group was significantly less tachycardic both before and during the procedure with a
significant difference between the two groups (p<10-3).
Conclusion: This study demonstrated the interest of SE in novice residents for CRA as a complement to theoretical learning upstream
of the real-life procedure.


Simulation, training, learning, teaching, radial artery, vascular access, coronarography, evaluation, stress.



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