Impression techniques in Removable partial denture: epidemiological study
Introduction: Various impression techniques are used in the realization of free-end extension partial denture, one of the imperatives is to
respect the compressibility and behavior of the tissue during impression making as well as during function.
Aim: To evaluate the knowledge and practices of private practitioners regarding secondary impressions made during the management of terminal edentulism with metallic removable partial denture, and to search for possible correlations between prosthetic complaints and non-compliance with the various final impression standards in terms of materials, equipment and techniques.
Methods: The study involved a sample of dentists practicing in the Rabat-Sale-Kenitra region in the Kingdom of Morocco. The paper questionnaire was filled out in face-to-face interviews or by the dentists themselves. The computerized questionnaire was sent to the dentists by
e-mail or via various social network platforms.
A descriptive and analytical statistical study was carried out to treat the data.
Results: Following the results of the statistical study: (57.6%) used the alginate as a secondary impression material, (66%) used individual
trays, 17% used models from primary impressions for direct prosthesis fabrication, (17%) used the cast impression technique in free end
mandibular edentulous. (77%) recorded the peripheral joint in Kennedy Applegate class I and II, concerning the complaints; practitioners who
worked with more than one impression material or those who use solely the alginate encountered a combination of similar complaints (75%).
Conclusion: The practices of the dentists differ in terms of materials and techniques used in the management of edentulous terminals by
removable partial denture (RPD). The complaints expressed by patients were independent of the method used in the secondary impression.
The results of our survey concur with the fact that until today there is no consensus to demonstrate that a technique, or a material can be more
reliable for the stability and the success of the RPD.
Impression, removable partial denture, clinical practice, complaints##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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