Pre-analytical non-conformities of cytobacteriological examination of urine in the microbiology laboratory of Oujda's Mohammed VI University Hospital
Introduction: The pre-analytical step of cytobacteriological examination of urine (CBEU) is one of the most critical in microbiology. The objectives of our study were to analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the pre-analytical non-conformities related to the CBEU in order to propose reliable corrective measures.
Method: This was a 76-month retrospective study from March 2016 to June 2022. The study included all CBEU referred to our laboratory. The conformity of the requests was evaluated according to the requirements of the medical microbiology standard (REMIC). It concerned the CBEU request, the urine sample and its packaging.
Result: We collected 66631 CBEU requests. The urine was not conform in 1646 (2.47%) cases. The majority of non-conformities came from the emergency department (n= 653; 39.67%). The predominant non-conformities were (i) deteriorated sample (53.53%; n=878), (ii) delayed transport (28.55%; n=469) and (iii) damaged equipment (4.62%; n= 76).
conclusion: In our study, pre-analytical non-conformities of CBEU were frequent and affected all steps of the pre-analytical process. They had a direct clinical and economic impact on the patient. Continuous improvement of the pre-analytical phase of the CBEU is necessary in our institution.
CBEU, non-conformity, pre-analytical phase, patient management##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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