E-cigarette dependence in former smoker: A Tunisian survey
Introduction: Since its appearance, E-cigarette (EC) has experienced a strong craze among those seeking to reduce their conventional cigarette (CC) consumption.
Aim: This study aimed to compare EC to CC addictive power in actual users of EC and former smokers of CC.
Methods: We conducted a comparative cross-sectional study including 65 EC users and former smokers. They were collected on Facebook using a questionnaire including Fagrestrom score (FS).
Results: The average total of FS was estimated at 3.45 ± 2 with EC vs 3.89±2.45 with CC (p=0.04). The dependence on the EC was strong in 8%, average in 25%, and weak in 35% of cases. The predictive factors of a medium to high dependence on EC were the duration of its consumption (p=0.008) and the daily quantity of e-liquid (p=0.009). The presence of medical history was inversely correlated with EC addiction. The duration of EC use was the only independent factor of dependence with an OR of 4.25 IC95% [1.019-17.729]. EC users continued to smoke TC in 68% of cases.
Conclusion: Our study shows that even if it remains less important than that of CC, the dependence on EC is not negligible.
E-cigarette, Nicotine, Dependance##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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