Diabetic patient satisfaction on the quality of outpatient health care services
Aim: To assess the degree of satisfaction of diabetic patients with health care services and to determine the factors that influence it.
Methods: It was a cross sectional study conducted in 2018 among diabetic outpatients of the department of endocrinology of the university
hospital La Rabta. Patients general characteristics were noted. Each patient responded to a questionnaire, asked orally, in Tunisian dialect, by
two physicians, about health care services including 20 questions grouped into three items. Each question was scored from 1 to 4 according to the
degree of satisfaction. The global score as well as the scores of the items were calculated by adding the scores of the corresponding questions.
Results: 150 diabetic patients responded to the questionnaire; mean age: 58.9±12.2 years [18-88], sex-ratio: 0.51. Cronbach coefficient was 0.78.
The overall score was 62.2±6.5 [46-80]. Ninety-seven patients (64.7%) had a score ≥60. The item concerning ‘human contact and communication’
was considered good in 98% of cases. The item concerning ‘premises, cleanliness, comfort and safety’ was considered intermediate in 64%
of cases. Patients were very satisfied with the accessibility of the department inside the hospital (76.7%), the attitude of the agents during the
administrative formalities (74%) and particularly the behaviour of the doctor (96%). However, they were dissatisfied with the noise (72%) and
overcrowding (67.4%) of the waiting room. There were no statistically significant associations between the overall score and the studied data.
Conclusion: The diabetic patients were overall satisfied with the provided services. Actions must be taken to reduce overcrowding and
long waiting times.
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