Assessing medical student satisfaction and interest with serious game


Ihsen Zairi
mohamed ben dhiab
Khadija Mzoughi
Imtinen Ben Mrad
Sondos Kraiem


Introduction: Serious games are interactive and entertaining digital software with an educational purpose, and they are increasingly being used in undergraduate medical education. Effective serious games attempt to form positive mood in order to encourage players to continue the play, leading to increased interest in gameplay and satisfaction as well as better academic performances.
Aim: To determine  the medical students’ satisfaction, situational and individual interest during a serious game.
Methods : This was a prospective study performed during a 2-year period (2018-2019 and 2019-2020). A total of 108 third-year medical students participated in this study. Students were asked to play a serious game on a computer for 20 minutes. A set of questionnaires containing evaluation grids to measure the satisfaction and interest was given to students. The effectiveness of the game was assessed using pre and post-tests.
Results : Following the exclusion criteria of students due to missing data, complete data were available for 97 students. Satisfaction and interest experienced by the students were high. The median of the game performance of students was 418, 04 points. There was a positive relationship between ease of use and game performance.
There was a negative correlation between the three scales of interest and game performance.
There was a significant difference between the mean scores of pre-tests and post-tests (p<0.01).
Conclusion: The results of this study suggest the potentials of serious game on medical student’s satisfaction, interest and learning achievement.


Education, Serious game, Satisfaction



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