Psychosocial impact of COVID-19 among health workers in Algeria
Background: The current COVID-19 pandemic has put health care professionals in the face of increasing psychological distress, with a high risk of infection.
Purpose: To estimate the prevalence of anxiety-depressive disorders among health professionals in Algeria and determine their associated risk factors.
Method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted from January 11 to March 09, 2021 and concerned healthcare professionals in Algeria, through an online self-assessment. The mental health rating scales used were GAD-7 (7 items) for Anxiety, and CES-D (20 items) for Depression. Resilience was estimated by the RISC-CD (10 items). An original questionnaire was used to assess three factors: fear of infection and death, isolation and stigmatization, as well as motivation and escape behaviour at work.
Results: A total of 1005 health professionals were included in the study, of which 51.5% were doctors, 75.6% were women and 41.1% were at the first front of the fight against COVID-19. The prevalence of Anxiety and Depression was 23.8% and 44.6% respectively. Health professionals with a high resilience score were those who were in direct contact with COVID-19 3.75 [1.11-12.7] and those who feared contracting the disease 1.22 [1.14-1.31]. Among the study population, 508 employees (50.5%) were free from anxiety-depressive disorder: Good mental health of health personnel, has been determined by the male sex 1,55 [1,07, 2,24], without co-morbidity 0,57 [0,39, 0,83], without direct intervention in the fight against COVID-19 0.63 [0.45, 0.89], having a low score of Depression and Anxiety with respectively 0.43 [0.36- 0.50], 0.50 [0.41- 0.58] while denouncing a high Resilience score 1.03 [1.01- 1.05].
Conclusion: In Algeria, the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the mental health of health professionals, hence the urgent need for intervention programs, for strengthening their mental health in a more sustainable and effective struggle.
COVID-19 - Health professionals- Mental health- Anxiety - Depression - Resilience - Algeria##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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