Global university performance. Bibliometric analysis of the ARWU platform (2003-2020).


Ahmed Ben Abdelaziz
Sarra Melki
Donia Ben Hassine
Sarra Nouira
Dhekra Chebil
Asma Ben Abdelaziz
Mohamed Azzaza


Objectives: Describe the 2020 report of the ARWU "Academic Ranking World Universities" classification and identify, accordingly, the roadmap of academic excellence, particularly in the countries of the Greater Maghreb.
Methods: This is an in-depth reading of the 2020 results of the ARWU bibliometric platform (launched in 2003) from top 1000 world-class universities. Six criteria were used in this ranking: 1. Alumni (10%): students who received Nobel / Fields prizes; 2. Award (15%): professors who have won the Nobel / Fields prizes; 3. HiCi (20%): Most cited scientists; 4. PUB (20%): number of publications 5. TOP (20%): proportion of publications in the most influential periodicals; 6. PCP (10%): Per Capita Performance.
Results: The 2020 ARWU ranking was characterized by the domination of the "Top 10" ranking by the United States, particularly the "Harvard University", the Asian boom of 55% of the "Top 1000" ranking (Chinese universities evolved from 16 in 2004 to 81 in 2020 in the “Top 500” list) and finally an African incubation of academic excellence, manifested by the selection of nine South African institutions (including the “University of Cape Town ”, world rank between 201-300), and the re-entry for the first time of a Maghreb university in the“ Top 1000 ”list, Tunis El Manar (rank between 901-1000), with the following scores: N&S: 1 , 4; Pub: 26.1 and PCP: 10.3, for a total score of 37.8 points.
Conclusion: This report proves once again, the promising academic perspectives of Asia and Africa in the inclusion of the "Top 1000" list of the ARWU ranking. The roadmap for academic excellence would thus be based on the triad of centering scientific publications, in prestigious journals and by national author networks.


Universities - Classification - Academic Performance - Peer Review, Research - Publishing - Americas - Asia - Africa - Tunisia -Journal Impact Factor -



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