The Patient management problem as a formative evaluation during the internship


Rim Boussetta
Mohamed Zairi
Ahmed Msakni
Sami Bouchoucha
Kacem Mensia
Walid Saied
Mohamed Nabil Nessib



The evaluation of the internship in pediatric orthopedics is based on a clinical examination in the form of ECOS, after the internship period involving all surgical specialties. The validation of the clinical examination test does not necessarily mean that the student has achieved his internship objectives and vice versa.

This discrepancy between the evaluation test and the field of the internship prompted us to question the need to establish a formative evaluation method during the clinical internship.


Our study is a prospective, evaluative, longitudinal study, from October 2019 until September 2020, in the infantile orthopedics and traumatology department of the "Béchir HAMZA" children's hospital in Tunis.

We carried out a formative evaluation using the “Patient Management Problem” (PMP), with two different subjects, one on acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, the other on malignant bone tumors, with a Pre-test and a Post-test for each PMP.


We had 18 interns, during the period between October 2019 and September 2020, including 13 who had medical training in Tunisian faculties.

The score for the acute osteomyelitis pretest was 14.56 on average, the PMP score was 16.33 on average, with one interne scoring zero. The posttest mean was 18.11 [13.75-20], with a statistically significant difference from the pretest.

The pre-test for the bone tumors’ PMP had an average of 9.7 [3.75-15], that of PMP was 12.6 [0-20].

There was an improvement in post test scores with an average of 16.45.

Comparing the two tests we noticed that the scores for the PMP osteomyelitis were higher than the scores for the PMP bone tumors with a significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.04).


The results of this pilot project are encouraging for the establishment of a continuous evaluation by the PMP method, intended for interne during the pediatric orthopedic surgery internship.

This method allows learning and formative evaluation of learners by evaluating clinical and therapeutic reasoning.


evaluation, Patient Management Problem, training.



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