Distance education in times of covid 19: a leap into the future?


Monia Attia
Saoussen Antit
Meriem Affes
Sarra Zairi
Ines Baccouche
Henda Neji
Saoussen Hantous-Zannad


Introduction: Online education has grown a lot in recent months in our country during the global health crisis (COVID19). It has been widely used at all levels and fields of education ranging from elementary school to graduate and postgraduate studies.
The aim of this study is to evaluate this teaching method compared to classical face-to-face teaching by referring to the learner's point of view
Methods:  It was a prospective and descriptive cross-sectional study targeting residents in medical imaging (all levels approximately 200 people)
It was based on an online questionnaire sent to all residents after attending synchronous online teaching sessions at the College of Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine.
The assessment was done by the learners using a 5 points Likert scale.
Results:   Ninety-seven residents answered the questionnaire. Sixty percent of our learners were satisfied with this new way of teaching. 73% of the students found the logistical means suitable for this course.
The main advantages noted by our residents were accessibility to sessions from any location and the ability to replay lessons later.
The weaknesses put forward were the lack of interaction with the teacher compared to face-to-face teaching and the occurrence of technical problems which could sometimes hamper the smooth running of the sessions.
Conclusion: Our study allowed us to get feedback from our learners on this teaching. The multiplication of learning means, in particular a hybrid education should be considered to overcome the shortcomings of exclusive online teaching.


e-learning, pedagogy, medical imaging



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