The writing quality and future of dissertations defended in the faculty of Dental Medicine in Monastir (2014-2018)


Mehdi Khemiss
Belsam Guedri
Mohamed Ben Khélifa


Aim: To present the characteristics of dissertations defended at the faculty of dental medicine in Monastir.
Methods: This was a descriptive study that interested all the dental medicine’s dissertations during a period of five years, from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2018. The theses available in the faculty library were included in the study. The writing quality of the research dissertations was reviewed. Then publication patterns of these were searched in the “Medline” and “Scopus” databases.
Results: One thousand thirty one theses were included into this study. Synthetic research thesis and individual research ones represented respectively 9.4% and 21.7%; otherwise were a bibliographic synthesis. The number of directors was 1233. The most represented specialties were Fixed Prosthesis and Oral Medicine & Surgery with 190 (17.4%), 146 (13.3%) dissertations, respectively. The number of thesis per university hospital doctor per year was 2.3. For research theses, the score of the writing quality was 12.1±2.4. However, only seven (3.1%) theses were published in the journals indexed in PubMed database.
Conclusion: This study displays a very low rate of published dissertations defended in the faculty of dental medicine. New strategies may be promoted in order improve thesis publication.


Thesis, Bibliometrics, Dental Medicine, Tunisia.



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