Towards new perspectives Support for Prevention to the National Health System in Tunisia


Chokri Zoghlami
Sarra Nouira
Dhekra Chebil
Donia Ben Hassine
Mohamed Khelil
Kamel Ben Salem
Ahmed Ben Abdelaziz


"Prevention", a component of primary health care since Alma Ata's declaration (1978), has been a strategic axis of health policy in Tunisia for four decades. If the Tunisian Revolutionary Constitution (2014) declared in its Article 38 that “the State guarantees prevention”, the regulatory texts, organizing preventive structures and its operational programs, have today become ill-suited with the global burden of disease and current scientific evidence.
The analysis of current preventive practices in Tunisia, based on the “health continuum”, the taxonomy of “preventive strategies” and the identification of “vulnerable populations”, has shown the need to implement prevention activities. “Primordial” and “quaternary” (for the management of cardiovascular diseases and cancers), extension of the fields of health education and epidemiological surveillance, towards Therapeutic Education of Patients / Health Promotion, and health monitoring, and coverage of new groups at risk: adolescents and the elderly.
Faced with the multitude of prevention structures and the fragmentation of health programs, the reform of the national preventive policy and its practices should be based on the principles of integration, relevance and efficiency, through the establishment of a National Health Protection Agency (NHPA). This ANP is called upon to launch new prevention support projects including integrated preventive medicine centers (providing periodic health examinations), hospital patient therapeutic education services and home care units.
Such a reform, announcing the birth of a new generation of preventive basic health care activities in Tunisia, should be reinforced by a legal, organizational and educational basis.


Preventive Health Services - Mass Screening - Health Education - Health Promotion - Mass Vaccination - Primary Prevention - Secondary Prevention - Tertiary Prevention- Quaternary Prevention - Tunisia



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