Management of diabetics. Comparative study of two contrasting health structures


Nadia Ben Mansour
Asma Sassi Mahfoudh
Habiba Ben Romdhane


Background: The proportion of total Tunisian with Diabetes reached 15.5% in 2016. The objective of this study was to analyze diabetic’s management in contrasted health care settings.
Methods: Mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative) with explanatory design was used in contrasted health care structures (a primary health center (PHC) and the National Institute of Nutrition and Food Technologies (INNTA)). Interviews with health providers and patients were than condcuted in both centers to explain quantitative findings.
Results: Quality of care assessement was performed among 100 patients in the PHC and 96 in the hospital. Glycemic control was reached in less than 30 % of the cases in both centers. Although clinical evaluation was better in the PHC, conducting ECGs, measuring of HbA1c  and  LDL-Ch were far from being optimal. The qualitative study did supply some hypotheses explaining these gaps: treatments shortage and lack of laboratory assessments specifically pointed in PHC settings, potentially lower its attractiveness, thus compounding overcrowding and stressful working conditions in hospitals. These last points as well as poor communication and overloaded clinics in hospital were major sources of providers and patient dissatisfaction.
Conclusion: This study made it clear that primary health care is a cornerstone in diabetes management. However, it is crucial to strengthen primary health care centers by operational technical support (laboratory equipements and quality information system) as well building capacities of health professionals in information, education and communication.


Program Evaluation - Disease Management



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