The path to Family Medicine in Tunisia. Strategic analysis


Mariam Megdiche
Nadia Ben Mansour
Baya Ben Zina
Fatma Lassoued
Sina Hadj Amor
Houda Rahay
Aounallah Skhiri Hajer


Background: Health system reforms in many countries have shown that the delivery of integrated primary health care services according to family medicine is the most efficient approach to achieve universal health coverage. In Tunisia, the issue is therefore the capacity of our health system to integrate a care approach based on family practice.
Aim: To assess the preparedness to implement family medicine in our country
Methodology: this is a qualitative study carried out over a period of 9 months during the year 2017.Based on a WHO protocol addressing the 13 pillars of family practice, our study explores health policy context, actors (using interviews with key informants at national, regional and local level) and health content.
Results: Family practice model is a strategic priority in Tunisia. However, this political recognition suffers from a lack of operationalization, in relation with continuing medical training, registration of patients and families by doctors, referral system, minimum package of essential care/ essential drugs and quality of care monitoring as well as community involvement..
Conclusion: Our situation analysis reveals that the delivery of integrated care based on family practice model; enforce to adopt a comprehensive and operational health policy that goes beyond the academic aspects.


Tunisia - Family practice- Implementation - Evaluation



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