Professor Mohamed Soussi Soltani: Leader, Innovator and Researcher in Public Health


Ahmed Ben Abdelaziz
Abdallah Bchir
Afif Ben Salah
Kamel Ben Salem
Mansour Njah
Mohamed Hsairi
Samir Ennigrou
Taoufik Nacef
Lamine Dhidah
Ridha Bellaj
Faouzi Mehdi


Mohamed Soussi SOLTANI (June 27, 1953 - March 2, 2016) is Professor of Preventive and Community Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Monastir (Tunisia). The objective of this paper is to present, to new generations of the specialty in the Greater Maghreb, this leading teacher from the Center-East of Tunisia (Monastir), through the testimonies of his companions, and his indexed publications. All the colleagues of the late SOLTANI testified to his high human and professional qualities, particularly perseverance, commitment, forward thinking, integrity and professionalism. The scientific life of the late Professor Soltani was oriented towards two major themes: Public Health and Family Medicine. Indeed, the deceased has developed several new preventive activities in first-line structures such as anonymous and free HIV screening, family planning, rational use of drugs, breast cancer screening, smoking cessation, prevention of rheumatic heart disease. Pr SOLTANI welcomed general practitioners from the Monastir region to the Faculty's Community Medicine Department, creating with them a movement to advocate for the academic and professional development of general medicine into an authentic specialty of family medicine. Out of the 34 publications of Professor SOLTANI, indexed on PubMed, 11 were signed by himself in first position, mainly relating to maternal health (prenatal surveillance, education for maternal health, pregnancy referral system) and infant (low birth weight, vaccination, mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B, meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae). Thus, with a life prospering by innovations and research in public health, Professor SOLTANI will always remain a model for young people in the specialty of Preventive and Community Medicine. His followers have an obligation to write his complete biography, to safeguard it and pass it on to new generations of public health.


Public Health - Preventive Medicine - Community medicine - Schools, Médical - School, Public Health - Reproductive Health - Infant Health - General Practice - Family Practice - Tunisia



  1. Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Déclaration d'Alma Ata sur les soins de santé primaires.
  2. Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Couverture sanitaire Universelle.
  3. Ben Salah A, El Mhamdi S, Bouanene I, Chakroun M, Soltani MS. Déterminants des pratiques sexuelles à risque chez les consultants d'un Centre de Conseils et de Dépistage Anonyme et Gratuit du VIH. Tunis Med 2013; 91(7): 444-8.
  4. Ben Salem K, El Mhamdi S, Ammar H, Letaief M, Soltani MS. Profil épidémiologique et tendances chronologiques de la multiparité dans le district sanitaire de Monastir (Tunisie) entre 1994 et 2003. Tunis Med 2008; 86(9): 796-801.
  5. Ben Salem K, Belghith Z, Ben Amor J, Harzallah S, Soltani MS. Les médicaments en première ligne: disponibilité et prescription dans le district sanitaire de Monastir (Tunisie). East Mediterr Health J 2000; 6(2-3): 326-32.
  6. El Mhamdi S, Bouanene I, Mhirsi A, Sriha A, Ben Salem K, Soltani MS. Women's knowledge, attitudes and practice about breast cancer screening in the region of Monastir (Tunisia). Aust J Prim Health 2013; 19(1): 68-73.
  7. El Mhamdi S, Sriha A, Bouanene I, Ben Salah A, Ben Salem K, Soltani MS. Predictors of smoking relapse in a cohort of adolescents and young adults in Monastir (Tunisia). Tob Induc Dis 2013; 11(1): 12.
  8. Sriha Belguith A, Koubaa Abdelkafi A, El Mhamdi S, Ben Fredj M, Abroug H, Ben Salah A, et al. Rheumatic heart disease in a developing country: Incidence and trend (Monastir; Tunisia: 2000-2013). Int J Cardiol 2017; 228: 628-632.
  9. Ben Salem K, El Mhamdi S, Letaief M, Bchir M, Soltani MS. Epidemiological profile of health-care-associated infections in the central-east area of Tunisia. East Mediterr Health J 2011; 17(6): 485-9..
  10. El Mhamdi S, Chaieb R, Bouanene I, Sriha A, Ben Salem K, Letaief M, Soltani MS. Trends in hospital morbidity among adults in the region of Monastir (Tunisia) between 1996 and 2007. Tunis Med 2011; 89(12): 905-9.
  11. El Mhamdi S, Herizi C, Sriha A, Bouanene I, Ben Salah A, Gaaliche S, Soltani MS. Profil et tendances de la morbidité hospitalière pédiatrique au niveau de la région de Monastir (Tunisie) pendant une décennie. Rev Med Brux 2015; 36(5): 410-4.
  12. Letaief M, Hassine M, Bejia I, Ben Romdhane F, Ben Salem K, Soltani MS. Connaissances et pratiques du personnel soignant en matière de sécurité transfusionnelle. Transfus Clin Biol 2005; 12(1): 25-9.
  13. Letaief M, Ben Salem K, Hergli N, Riahi N, Soltani MS. Analyse de la pertinence des hospitalisations dans la région de Monastir (Tunisie). East Mediterr Health J 2005; 11(3): 435-41.
  14. Soltani MS, Bchir A, Souissi M, Brahim H. Surveillance prénatale et déterminants du suivi prénatal dans la circonscription sanitaire de Monastir. Med Trop (Mars) 1993; 53(2): 201-4.
  15. Soltani MS, Sakouhi M, Belguith Z, Ben Salem K, Gacem H, Bchir A. Evaluation des connaissances des mères concernant les soins préventifs pré et postnatals dans le Sahel tunisien. Sante Publique 1999; 11(2): 203-10.
  16. Soltani MS, Bchir A, Souissi M, Brahim H. Profil des grossesses référées du Sahel tunisien. Rev Fr Gynecol Obstet 1991; 86(7-9): 511-3.
  17. Soltani MS, Guediche MN, Bchir A, Ghanem H, Pousse H, Braham A. Facteurs associés aux faibles poids de naissance dans le Sahel tunisien. Arch Fr Pediatr 1991; 48(6): 405-8.
  18. Soltani MS, Belghith Z, Gacem H, Bchir A. Intérêt de l'analyse des données de vaccination à l'échelle du district. East Mediterr Health J 1999; 5(3): 565-71.
  19. Soltani MS, Bchir A, Slimane MN, Mtiraoui A, Ghanem H, Hammami M, et al. Etude de la transmission mère-enfant du virus de l'hépatite B dans le Sahel tunisien. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 1994; 42(6): 529-32.
  20. Soltani MS, Bchir A, Amri F, Gueddiche N, Sfar T, Sahloul S, Garbouj M. Epidémiologie des méningites à Haemophilus influenzae en Tunisie. East Mediterr Health J 2005; 11(1-2): 14-27.
  21. Soltani MS, El Mhamdi S, Sriha A, Bouanene I, Bouchahda I, Bouchahda M. Prise en charge intégré de la santé de la mère et de l'enfant dans la région de Monastir (Tunisie). East Mediterr Health J 2014; 20(8): 483-90.