Covid-19 and mental disorders in children and adolescents: Experience of the child and adolescent psychiatry department of the Mongi Slim Hospital of Tunis


Fatma Charfi
Abir Ben Hamouda
Soumaya Bourgou
Meriem Hamza
Ahlem Belhadj


The Covid-19 pandemic had a major psychosocial impact on the mental health of children and adolescents, especially when the childhas mental health problems. During containment, the healthcare structures were subject to a significant restriction of their activities. The child and adolescent psychiatry department of the Mongi Slim Hospital in Tunis has set up telephone follow-up for patients deemed to be at risk. This follow-up involved 166 cases, the majority of them were suffering from neurodevelopmental disorders, followed by depressive disorders and adjustment disorders. A third of the patients had reported a worsening of the symptoms during the containment and a third had reported clinical improvement. During this follow-up, recommendations were made to parents to limit the negative impact of Covid-19 pandemic.
Maintaining follow-up of patients with mental disorders by telemedicine is a major challenge in order to prevent the repercussions of this pandemic in the long term.


Covid-19, Telemedicine, Mental Health, Child and adolescent psychiatry
