From deficiency to handicap in the respiratory field: lung function tests (LFT)norms and quality of life (QOL) questionnaires validated for the Tunisian population


Rim Kammoun
Helmi Ben Saad


Objectif. The objective of this literature review is to gather all the LFT norms available for the Tunisian population, as well as QDV questionnaires specific to chronic respiratory patients that have been validated in Tunisia.
Methods. This review included a literature search using the PubMed and Sciencedirect databases. The citationsRaw lists of the retrieved English/French articles were searched for any additional citationsRaw. Specific research has been carried out for each stage of the natural evolution of chronic diseases. For LFT used in the exploration of deficiency, the key-words were (“respiratory function test” OR “spirometry” OR “plethysmography” OR “exhaled fraction of oxide nitric” OR “lung diffusion” OR “peak nasal inspiratory flow” OR “Lung age”) AND (”Tunisia” OR “North Africa”) AND (“citationsRaw equation” OR “citationsRaw value” OR “standard citationsRaw”). For LFT used in the exploration of incapacity, the key-words were (“exercise test” OR “maximal oxygen uptake” OR “cardiorespiratory test” OR “six minute walk distance” OR “six-minute walk distance” OR “6-minute walk distance” OR “six-min walk distance” OR “6-min walk distance” OR “six minute walking distance” OR “six-minute walking distance” OR “6MWD”) AND (”Tunisia” OR “North Africa”) AND (“citationsRaw equation” OR “citationsRaw value” OR “standard citationsRaw”). For the QOL questionnaires used in pneumology, the key-words were: (“quality of life” OR “QOL”) AND (“respiratory” OR “pulmonology”) AND (”Tunisia” OR “North Africa”).
Results. As part of deficiency exploration, 11 Tunisian norms are available. As part of incapacity exploration, three Tunisian norms are available for the 6-minute walk test. Only one QOL questionnaire specific to chronic respiratory patients has been validated in Tunisia.
Conclusion. Despite its richness, the Tunisian "bank" of norms for LFT and QOL questionnaires has yet to be enriched.


spirometry, plethysmography, exhaled nitric oxide fraction, maximal inspiratory nasal flow, lung age, alveolar-capillary diffusion, 6-minute walk test, Saint George respiratory questionnaire
