Surgically assisted maxillary expansion


Amal El Aouame
Sara El Kaki
Sanaa Alami
Driss Tougui
Zakaria Bentahar


Introduction: by means of orthopedics, orthognathic surgery or orthodontics, the management of the maxillary transverse defisciency is a key element of the orthodontic treatment plan, and the guarantee of its stability. the following work aims to support, through a clinical case, the management and the progression of the treatment of the maxillary transverse deficiency associated to a class III skeletal anomaly.
Observation: The authors report the case of a 15-year-old patient with a severe class
III    malocclusion, with severe maxillary transverse deficiency. The objectives of the treatment were, first, to solve the transverse disharmony by surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME), then, secondly, to remove the dentoalveolar compensations and a bimaxillary orthognathic surgery, was carried out to correct the sagittal and vertical disharmony.
Conclusion: Surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) appears to be advantageous, both functionally and aesthetically to overcome transverse maxillary deficiency. The agreement between the orthodontist, the maxillofacial surgeon and / or the plastic surgeon, both in the schedule and in the choice of surgical interventions, remains decisive concerning ortho-surgical treatments.


transverse deficiency, maxillary, ortho-surgery.
