Counter-COVID- 19 pandemic strategy in the Maghreb Central.Qualitative study of the perceptions of health professionals


Ahmed Ben Abdelaziz
Sofien Benzarti
Mohamed Yacine Achouri
Sarra Nouira
Imen Mlouki
Faten Yahia
Asma Ben Abdelaziz
Tarek Barhoumi
Asmaa Quessar
Kamel Ben Salem
Réseau Maghrébin PRP S


Context: The Maghreb Central, like all the countries of the world, was strongly mobilized (governments, ministries of health, population, civil society) in the response against COVID-19, immediately after the registration of the first cases on its territory (end of February, beginning of March) and according to pre-established control strategies.
Objectives: Describe the perceptions of health professionals in the Central Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) as to the Strengths/Opportunities and Weaknesses/Threats of the national response plans against COVID-19, during the first weeks of their execution, and report their proposals for optimizing the performance of control strategies.
Methods: This is a qualitative study of the perceptions of health professionals in the Maghreb Central regarding their experience of the first six weeks of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. The data was collected using the "Delphi" technique in one turn, based on an electronic form such as "Google Form", developed according to SWOT analysis. The respondents' verbatim was grouped into homogeneous groups of items, the occurrence of which was subsequently measured.
Results: A total of 382 health professionals from the Maghreb Central participated in this study, with a median age of 37 years and a median professional tenure of 10 years. The major force of the Maghreb response strategies, the most shared by the respondents, was the performance of the human resources mobilized (doctors, biologists, nurses, etc.) who succeeded in quickly learning from the international epidemiological expertise accumulated in Asia and in Europe. The fight against COVID-19 in the Central Maghreb was confronted with the general and chronic fragility of the national health systems and the low support of the general population for the recommendations of the steering committees of response, threatening the capacity of the Maghreb to confront new epidemics.
Conclusion: The success of the national response plans against COVID-19 and of possible epidemics or pandemics in the Central Maghreb, is strongly attributed to the commitment of health professionals and to community participation, necessitating the launch of assistant motivation programs. and development of health personnel and mobilization and loyalty of civil society.


Coronavirus Infections - Pandemics - Attitude of Health Personnel - Evaluation Studies as Topic - Qualitative Research - Delphi Technique - Health Personnel - Community Participation - Delivery of Health Care - Africa, Northern- Tunisia, Morocco - Alg
